Backgrounder: “This is another piece from ‘backpack canoe’, a small booklet of prose, introduced earlier with ‘Lion’s Head Parts 1 and 2. I bought 2.75 acres of land north of Wiarton many years ago and sold it to a friend two years ago. Since selling the land, I’ve visited the area to help him survey, clear and build upon the land, and will take him up on his invitation to use his cabin any time. The Bruce peninsula is a magical place.” gaharrison
north of Wiartonlast year’s crew
banded together again -
explored, discovered
the peninsula’s hidden coves
secret cedar shores;

voices grew quieter
as city thoughts
well-worn habits
slid away unnoticed,
as wider gazes
fresher smiles
grew commonplace.

the bruce pen’s crisp skies
cool stout breezes
swept us home -
to canvas tents, hot fires
and close companions.
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