slow ride quick death

in a flash I was awake
in a dark room - still alive
I felt a warm bed cover
on my shoulder
but a hot question
on my startled mind
what happened? I said
perhaps aloud
I closed my eyes
thought backward cautiously
to the scene of the explosive crash
to the sound of my heart
beating in my ears
only seconds earlier I’d been dreaming
driving my car up a small hill
and the only other passenger,
my wife, was making small talk
as we neared the crest
a car appeared
full speed ahead
in our lane, a wide chrome grill
aimed at my eyes

one second left of life
one thought - this is it
one scream - oh no
one impression - surprise absolute
the surprise of arriving
at an unexpected destination unannounced
I opened my eyes
stared at the wall -
still alive
I hope this won’t be a recurring dream whenever I visit Fenelon Falls.
Please click here for wee prose more cheerful.
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