1. If you come to the bar
and you drive your own car
I’m the guy sitting there on the right.
If you’ve got several itches
and one or two hit you
I might be your friend for the night.
* ’Cause I don’t want you sitting alone.
I won’t say stuff you hear at home.
I don’t have much money,
but I’ll try to be funny
And I’m not a man without hope. (*repeat)
One day I’ll just run out of rope.

[Photo link]
2. If our talk starts to ramble
I may start to gamble
To keep you there at my side.
I’ll tell a few stories
about my past glories
I’ll try not to tell many lies.
* ’Cause I don’t want you leavin’ too soon.
You’re the prettiest girl (now) in the room.
I don’t have much charm,
but you won’t come to harm
And I’m not a man without hope. (* repeat)
One day I’ll just run out of rope.
3. When you say that you’re done
and you’ve got to run,
I’ll find my last ten dollar bill.
I’ll say, “We’ve had the rest
now let’s try the best,
The night is pretty young still.”
* ’Cause I don’t want to sit all alone,
When I leave there’s no one at home.
I don’t have much going,
the (damn) whiskey’s been flowing
But I’m not a man without hope. (*repeat)
I’m half down that slippery slope,
One day I’ll just run out of rope.