I Could Search the World Over
1. I could search the world over but won’t find my friend.
I could search from the front door and right to the end.
I am sad to be told that he’s gone from the land.
I could search the world over but I won’t find my friend.
2. The thoughts of my friend fill up my head.
I wish in his place it was me who was dead.
I feel in my mind it was too quick an end.
I could search the world over but I won’t find my friend.

3. I will look to the heavens and call out his name.
And from a high hill he will answer the same.
He will show me the place where he lays down his head.
He will tell me we’re brothers and that he’s not dead.
4. We will sing as we did when we were both young.
We will dance to the music from dusk until dawn.

We will clap both our hands and raise up a cheer.
We never lose good friends and those we hold dear.
5. I could search the world over but I won’t find my friend.
I must look to the heavens where he lives to the end.
* We lose and we win in the wink of an eye.
We never lose good friends they wait but on high. (* repeat)